What's Your Plan to Equip Parents in Your Organization?

Brian has worked with more than two hundred churches, schools, and organizations to create dynamic events for their groups. The key to his events are FLEXIBILITY and TRANSFERABILITY. He'll help you create an event that fits just what you need and gives parents tools that they can put into place today.

“Brian is a genius at helping parents of teenagers find success in some of the most difficult years in a child’s life. He does a masterful job of bringing together biblical conviction and practical advice to help parents both survive and thrive.”
– Andy Savage, Highpoint Church, Teaching Pastor

Don't let equipping your people become an afterthought.

Your schedule is fast and furious which is why we've taken all the guesswork out of your next training by crafting something just for you.

Parenting Programs

Student Programs

Teachers InService Programs

Download more than 30 FREE RESOURCES to help you bring balance back to your family.

The average teenager will spend
6 1/2 minutes a day talking with mom,
4 1/2 minutes a day talking with dad, and
10 1/2 hours a day plugged into media.


Here's the best way to keep up with teens, tweens, and families:


He'll never tell you what he had for lunch or send you links to cat videos. What he will do is keep you informed with the latest stats, trends, and research involving your family and ministry.

A Few of the People We've Partnered With