
Have your ever heard of the 10,000 rule? Malcolm Gladwell popularized the phrase in his book Outliers.  The 10,000 rule is the idea that it take roughly 10,000 hours of practice at something to master it. You don’t become great by accident. Most people would consider The Beatles the greatest rock-n-roll band of all time. It ...

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If you are like many parents, the teenage years hit your home like a tornado. In your child’s opinion, you went from being a Zen Master of all things related to life and morphed into their own real world version of Homer Simpson. This child who once was the source of such joy and affirmation in your life now causes you to perp...

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The hope we all have for our children is that they will use technology in a way that is honoring of themselves, those around them, and their faith. Many times we feel like trying to keep up with all the screens in our teens lives is like trying to beat back the ocean waves with a broom. You take all of the appropriate steps t...

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Sexting is exactly what it sounds like––sending a sexually related message to another person via text or instant message. And it’s much more common among teenagers than you might think. There have been several recent studies concerning the how and why of teen sexting. In a study from Drexel University more than half of the...

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In their final year of high school, every action of your goal-oriented child is another stepping stone to help them get into the right college. They will be focused on entrance exams, college applications, and financial aide forms–everything on their checklist they think will launch them into success. A key step they could mis...

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We all have secrets. Whether is was the time you went somewhere you weren’t supposed to, had a crush on a classmate, or did something you regret––we all have secrets from our past. Most of them are things we did eons ago that we sit around with our friends laughing about now. But for our children the tech world is bringing...

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